Stefan WagenpfeilProf. Dr.-Ing.
Professor for Software-Engineering and IT-Management
- since 2024 IT Expert
- since 2023 Professor for Software-Engineering and IT-Management at the PFH University of applied sciences Göttingen
- 2020-2022 doctorate in Computer Science, Focus on Multimedia Information Retrieval at the University of Hagen
- 2001-2015 Product Development, Software for TV- and Radio Stations
- 1999-today Consultant in the area of Software-Engineering and IT-Management
- 1999-2020 trainer for Java and JEE
- 1996-2000 Study of Computer Science with the minor subject Medical Computer Science at the University of Passau
Management Consulting
- Technology and Processes
- Sustainable Software-Architectures
- Large Scale IT-Projects
- Software-Architecture
- Quality
- Springer-Book: Modern Software Development with Java and JEE
- Springer-Book: Gamification – how playful elements improve the usage of business applications
- Springer-Book: Multimedia Informationsystems and Multimedia Information Retrieval (not yet published)
- Explainable Multimedia Feature Fusion for Medical Applications (2022, MDPI)
- Towards AI-based Semantic Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval for Social Media on Smartphones (2020, SMAP)
- AI-based Semantic Multimedia Indexing (2021, MDPI)
- Semantic Query Construction and Result Representation based on Graph Codes (2021, BIRDS)
- Fast and Effective Retrieval for Large Multimedia Collections (2021, MDPI)
- Towards Automated Semantic Explainability of Multimedia Feature Graphs (2021, MDPI)
- Graph Codes – 2D Projections of Multimedia Feature Graphs for Fast and Effective Retrieval (2021, WASET)
- Supporting Argument Strength by Integration Semantic Multimedia Feature Detection with Emerging Argument Extraction (2021, ArgStrength)
- Smart Multimedia Information Retrieval (2022, FuH)
- Large Text Processing with Graph Codes (2021, TREC)
- HILOD21 – A High Level Of Detail Image Dataset for Object Detection (2021, FuH)
- Smart Multimedia Information Retrieval (2022, MDPI)
- Parallelization Strategies for Graph Code Based Similarity Search (2023, MDPI)
- Integration of Metaverse Recordings in Multimedia Information Retrieval (2024, ACM)
- Towards a Hyperworls Transfer protocol (2024, FUH)