Almost all projects in information and communication technology (ICT) can be classified as IT projects. Examples are the replacement of existing systems, the introduction of a new standard software application or the integration of a new system into an existing system environment. The conjunction of requirements, contracts and (technical) circumstances combined with the human factor presents quite a range of challenges.
We are familiar with the different perspectives of principals and agents, with the processes applied in companies and with the typical weak spots of a project. We know the different process and procedure models used in practice and are most experienced in software development. We have successfully implemented turnaround managements in crises and difficult situations and have a grown knowledge about the enforceability of claims from a technical point of view. Furthermore, we are familiar with the relevant legal principles and the technical connecting factors and can resort on forensic know-how gained in way more than 1,000 proceedings.
We go beyond clarifying technical facts – we also consider the entire organizational and economic environment including the acting individuals. This is our special expertise. Rendering an expert opinion is often not expedient because the focus is set on the solution sought or the project cannot be subjected to a court ruling. In this case, the focus must be on improving processes and procedures and hence, on looking forward. In this case, the retrospective analysis of past circumstances moves into the background.
The following pages will show you the benefits of our approach for our clients and the formats in which we provide a basis for decision-taking and for the assignment of responsibilities at the interface between law, technology, and business management.